Friday 22 July 2011


This will be the pictures which i used for the e-wallpaper

~ the MMU bee ~

~ the background I used for this e-wallpaper ~

~ the MMU FOM building from side view ~

~  I used this picture because MMU is a TM university ~

~ the MMU logo ~


Now I will let you guys to know how I make my e-wallpaper... 
Shall we start guys....???

First of all I would like to inform you that I did this e-wallpaper with the use of Photoshop Cs3. 

~ This is my first step for begin my e-wallpaper. After I choose the picture I used "SELECTING TOOL" to crop the bee alone without the background... ~

~ The same procedure had been used for both of the print screen files..~

~ For this print screen file, after I choose my background, I just use the "SELECTING TOOL" and select the background... ~

~ After that, I put randomly all the pictures which I cropped earlier and I add some text regarding FOM OPEN DAY.. Once I satisfied with my placing for all the cropped picture, I continue the editing by selecting the "IMAGE" button at menu board and select "ADJUSTMENT"... Under "ADJUSTMENT" I select the "AUTO CONTRAST" button... ~

~ After choose the "AUTO CONTRAST" button a small box name "HUE/SATURATION" will appear and I make some adjustment for the MMU Bee.. I change the colour of the MMU Bee... ~

~ Then I go under "LAYER STYLES" and i make the MMU Bee to look more bigger in size compared to the previous picture.. ~

~ Once again I use the "SELECTING TOOL" to crop the wording without the background..~

~ After cropped the wording I used "ADVANCED BLENDING" and make some changes in "GENERAL BLENDING"... I change the "GENERAL BLENDING" percentage from 100% to 13%... This percentage changes make the wording to look transparent... ~

~ I  add some "INNER SHADOW"  for my wordings... ~

~  And the final result of my e-wallpaper is .... ~





~ This is my one and only e-wallpaper for FOM OPEN DAY... Hope you guys like it.. ~